Monday, May 16, 2011

Smart Phone Parking App.

I read an article in the new york times technology blog that said now, in San Frinscio, drivers can find empty parking spots on thier smart phones.Some interesting things I picked up from the article are...

1.  Sensors built into parking meters can sense if there is a car in the spot it is assigned to, and give you up to date Stats. within minutes.

2.  Some officals are saying that drivers might be distracted by looking at thier phones instead of the road.Califorina DOT. board of directors are telling drivers to pull over, before useing the App.

3.Driver Ms. Soltani says that she drives to the city two or three times a week, and each time spends 20 to 30 minuets parking each time. She testifed that if she had the parking  App., it would save her over an hour every week in time saved finding a parking spot. These sensors are being installed on Rosevelt Island, New York, and in West Hollywood.

You can read the enire bog post by clicking, THIS LINK.
Thanks for reading!! See my blogs at R/C Planes and my other blog is not finished yet, but I will post a link here.

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